Just Imagine Podcast

Chinglish under the ‘Required Reading’ section in Waterstones Trafalgar Square, London

‘Chinglish’ isn’t just a humorous take on teen angst, it’s about identity, belonging and seeing beyond race and colour. It’s also about hopes, dreams and survival of spirit no matter how battered you get!

If you’d like to hear more in depth about the book and the cathartic process of writing, then where I’m being interviewed by Nikki Gamble of Just Imagine, a consultancy that works extensively with schools in the UK and internationally to develop outstanding reading and writing.

Chinglish goes global

I’ve been sent so many pics of Chinglish from all over the world that I thought they deserved to be compiled and displayed. What I can’t get over is that I never asked for these. People have just been thoughtful enough to put aside a few minutes of their day, compose a picture and then send it to me via social media. These people are the kind who always find time to share and put smiles on faces, not just in this instance but in every situation in life. I am SO thankful for them – the world needs MORE of these good souls!