NEW Maddy Yip series coming this August

I’m very excited to reveal advance copies of my latest book ‘Maddy Yip’s Guide to Life’. It’s the first in a laugh out loud series for kids 8+ and chock-full of madcap adventures.

It’s been brilliant working on this over the past year – thinking up hilarious scenarios and sketching funny cartoons got me through the gloom for sure.

When I was a kid, we didn’t have books so I bought comics from the newsagents and devoured them instead. Ever since it’s been my dream to create something similar of my own…and now here I am! I hope my readers get the same enjoyment from this as I have.

***Pre-order here***

Longlisted for The Blossom Awards

Wow – I’ve been longlisted for The Blossom Awards!
Founded by Alan Mak MP and Cathy Watts, these awards ‘Bring together the nation’s British-Chinese leaders and influencers and celebrate their success and contribution’…So as you can imagine, I am totally doing my happy dance today!
The work I do as an author is so varied but the most rewarding part is education, especially teaching our young people to close the gap between divides and differences. I’d like to think I can help empower them to build a more positive future together.
Thank you Blossom Awards for choosing me and congratulations and best of luck to all the other longlisters going forward!