Maddy Yip is officially a series

The second in the Maddy Yip series, ‘Maddy Yip’s Guide to Holidays’ was launched on May 5th!

In this comedy caper, Maddy goes off on a seaside break with her bezzie, dimwit little brother and bonkers grandad. Their main goal is to get on a brand new rollercoaster, the Mega Beast – but first they need tickets. They go on a manic quest and eventually get on the ride. But it turns out that after all that, they find it terrifying and hate every second! 😂

‘Maddy Yip’s Guide to Holidays’ is for ages 8-80 and is chock-full of hilarious drawings.

WeeWrite Festival 2022

The best thing about being an illustrator is coming to events like this JUST FOR FUN! It was great to be invited back to the WeeWrite Glasgow Book Festival, this time to talk about my Maddy Yip series and hold cartoon drawing workshops.

Four local primary schools came to the grand Mitchell Library and learned how to draw characters, expressions and use their imaginations to invent their own fairground rides, and wow, what mega-enthusiasm from the kids in my drawing sessions! I was chuffed to see that even the most reluctant artists got into cartooning by the end.