Last event for now…
This is me with the librarians and some of the students from Collingwood College, Surrey, a couple of weeks ago. At this point COVID19 was emerging as a threat but we hadn’t yet been given any official guidance from the government, so I went to the event as planned and enjoyed the talks.
I called my husband on the way back home. He was finishing work early as he wasn’t feeling well. Then I spent the next 14 days self-isolating while he recovered from flu symptoms. That was the start of the whole world downward spiralling.
The last few weeks have seen catastrophic changes. We don’t know when or if things will get back to normal but in the meantime we need to do the best we can to carry on reading, learning and adapting to our new way of life. Maybe when we get to the other side, we’ll have had enough time to reflect and become better human beings. More compassion and kindness towards each other and nature. Less ego, speed and mindless consumerism, that’s my hope.