Talking about how writing your personal story is supposed to be a kick in the gut.
My memoir, ‘Chinglish’ started out for much younger kids, ’cause I was only picking out the best anecdotes, you know, fabricating another self, like we do. But my agent asked if I could be more honest. What, and let people see the real me? No way! But then I realised that if we keep rejecting a part of ourselves then we will never, ever be whole.
Accepting our story (ourselves) is massively healing, so this is what I chose to talk about at Bournemouth Writing Festival. Writing this book as it is, means I can now pass my experience on to others, so the rollercoaster of manic tears and laughter was worth it in the end. Thanks audience, for your comments:
“Wow – you blew me away in your talk.”
“Thank you for your energised, riveting and humorous talk.”
“Wonderful talk – truly inspiring!”
Also huge thanks to @BmthWritingFest
@inspiredAUB for venue
@solidimagerydorset for photography
@andersenpress for faith
@thecatchpoles for everything