We’re into week 3 of lockdown and the world is a very different place. So many extreme adjustments have had to be made in such a short space of time. If anything this enforced break will make us slow us down and give us time to reflect: did we really need to go that fast, buy that stuff, eat that junk, act without thinking on so many occasions because we didn’t have time to do anything else?
Even before this happened, I felt the world was going at a ridiculous breakneck speed. Technology is supposed to make our lives easier but actually it fuels the need to deliver even quicker. Our brains and bodies can’t cope with the constant daily demands because technology advances faster than we can keep up with it. Before you know it we forget who we are and forget nature around us.
I started meditating over 10 years ago. It took a long time for me to accept that it might work as with many things these days, we want instant gratification. Meditation takes a while to ‘kick in’. It might take 3 weeks or 3 months but the key is to persevere until it happens, and you know when that is because that feeling is what I call ‘bliss’. It’s when you start taking charge of your own mind and your mind is no longer controlling you. Look at it like going to the gym, it’s just like exercising another muscle.
From my experience I could clearly see the benefits of meditation to people of all ages and I really wanted to spread the message. I especially wanted to teach the next generation how to utilise this tool so that they could take it with them into adulthood and live calmer, happier, peaceful lives, without all the unnecessary clutter in their heads that can lead to mental health issues.
I wrote and illustrated a picture book that could spread that message. It’s called Chill with Lil and includes a guided relaxation to help calm kids down when things get too frantic. I’ve read it to lots of children in yr 1&2 at schools, at library sessions and to individuals and it works every time! Of course, you don’t have to be a kid to enjoy this particular chill time, anyone can join in. Watch my story reading video here: tiny.cc/myb0lz
Much love and light to you all as we navigate our way through the coming weeks, Sue x